Agriservice : Pancer Tani Activity

1. Direct access to market giving benefits with better price to smallholder farmers by cutting off middlemen layer. Better packaging, cleanness, quality product are value for the offtaker.


2. Gender equity is one of our concern in Pancer Tani program, the owner hire women as workers in his/her business


3. Our Pancer Tani has participated in the government’s reforestation program by conducting tree nurseries for albasia, balsa and indogofera trees.


4. Our Pancer Tani giving advise on how important to restore soil amendment by using organic fertilizer for plant productivity


5. Contract farming is one of thing that needed by smallholder farmer to assure his/her farming activity have a profit. YASI has linked Pancer Tani to seed production company and give contract to smallholder farmer produce seed.


6. Program socialization with COVID19 protocol collaborate with government and public sector to increase an economic opportunity for smallholder farmers thru Pancer Tani program


7. YASI collaborate with universities to introduce agribusiness industry in real life and explore opportunity to be a young entrepreneur in his/her village.

8. YASI will continue to collaborate with new partners and there will be many more in the future to help our smallholder farmers in Indonesia

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