Berita dan Aktivitas

Berita dan Aktivitas


YASI HIRING – Join our team!!   YASI, or Yayasan Agri Sustineri Indonesia, is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting sustainable agriculture and improving the welfare of smallholders in Indonesia. Established in 2020, YASI is supported by highly skilled and credible professionals with years of experience in community empowerment and assistance. The foundation has …

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YASI dan YTBL Tandatangani Kerjasama dengan Koperasi di Parimo, Ciptakan Wirausaha Muda Pancer Tani

RADAR SULTENG, 5 Juli 2022 – Untuk menciptakan  Wirausaha muda Pancer Tani, Yayasan Agri Sustineri Indonesia (YASI) bersama Yayasan Titian Budi Luhur (YTBL) dan Koperasi Konsumen Merte Budi Luhur membuat kesepakatan bersama atau perjamjian kerjasama, kemarin (5/7). Penandatanganan kerjasama Ketiga belah pihak yang bersepakat dipusatkan di kantor Koperasi Konsumen Merta Budi Luhur, Desa Sumbersari, Kecamatan …

YASI dan YTBL Tandatangani Kerjasama dengan Koperasi di Parimo, Ciptakan Wirausaha Muda Pancer Tani Selengkapnya »


YASI HIRING – Join our team!!    YASI, or Yayasan Agri Sustineri Indonesia, is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting sustainable agriculture and improving the welfare of smallholders in Indonesia. Established in 2020 and headquartered in Jakarta, YASI is supported by highly skilled and credible professionals with years of experience in community empowerment and …

JOB VACANCY!! Selengkapnya »

The Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by and between Yayasan Agrisustineri Indonesia (YASI) and Sayurbox

YASI embarking and continuously collaborate with partners to ensure the longevity of agribusiness in Indonesia supported by highly skilled smallholders, which has a role in protecting the state’s food security. Along with the increasing demand for food in Indonesia, YASI expands the market by reaching the end-user who needs commodities to fulfil their daily life …

The Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by and between Yayasan Agrisustineri Indonesia (YASI) and Sayurbox Selengkapnya »


TABLOIDSINARTANI.COM, Jakarta – The presence of innovation will allow small farmers to farm more productively and profitably. By building broader cooperation and developing more useful and efficient programs, Indonesian farmers will have a bright future. ‘We get profitable jobs by becoming seed breeders resulting from technological innovation,’ said Tohir, a farmer who participated in the …


We Celebrate Woman International DAY

“As early adopters of new agriculture techniques, first responders in crises  and entrepreneurs of green energy, rural woman are powerul force that can drive global progress” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres We, Agrisustineri foundation facilitate and empower rural woman to become Agri-preneurs. In total of 24 woman run they own business in the villages. Thanks to …

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